We've just launched a feature in beta to let you create collections from SQL queries for any PostgreSQL or MySQL database you have already connected to Noloco.
This enables you to create custom collections using SQL that can pull in data from multiple different tables in your database. We were super excited to use this internally at Noloco! To get started, you’ll see an option to ‘Add a query’ at the bottom of your PostgreSQL or MySQL collections on the data tab.
You might have noticed a brand new addition to the Noloco admin bar in your app! We just shipped the User table which allows you to much more easily manage your app users and take actions like: updating a user’s role, adding new users, sending an invitation reminder etc.
This is the one-stop shop to manage all of your app users and roles.
When setting up a user list you can now choose which records get imported as users based on them matching certain conditions.
This means that going forwards you can dynamically filter out users from being pulled into Noloco however works for you, with full support for AND / OR branching to build rules as complex as necessary.