No-Code Development | User Experience | Project Management Diana, founder of WE Actualize, has 6+ years' experience building custom solutions and training team members to use and enjoy no-code platforms. To date she has onboarded 12 companies, amounting to 130+ individuals converted to using no-code, ranging from small businesses, grant-funded projects, government sectors, start-ups, and even staff working for a FAANG company. Projects have primarily relied on Airtable, but Diana also has experience using Softr,, Asana, Zapier, and Use cases have included Project Management, Finance, HR, and Operations, CMS, Internal Portals, and KPI Dashboards. Through Noloco, Diana has been able to take no-code to the next level, building out a robust internal portal for independent insurance agents to organize, track, and systematize their data from different companies into one portal view. This use case also includes automated static and panoramic map views using Google Maps API.
Solution expertise
Internal Tools, Client Portals, Partner Portals, Resource Directory