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Michael Unrath
productivity kick
Michael Unrath
United Kingdom
Not Accepting Clients
Do you want to work smarter not harder? I am Michael Unrath, the founder and principal consultant at productivity kick. I guide businesses to leaner, smarter work processes using the power of no code/low code tools like Airtable and Noloco. I'm here to support you with your transition to an elegant, easy to use and affordable system allowing you and your team to focus on driving your business forward.
Solution expertise
Internal Tools, Client Portals, Partner Portals, Resource Directory
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What their clients say

This immediate and very cost-effective win helped us realise many other opportunities that exist and I'm pleased to say there have been at least six other projects undertaken by 'productivity kick' for our very busy operational office that have helped connect departments and other areas of the business efficiently, ensured accuracy, reduced manual processes and have allowed us to streamline our business and maintain one source of truth that can be shared both internally and externally to ensure everyone singing from the same song sheet.

Chris T

We had struggled for years to find a tech solution that could 100% automate and make dynamic all functionality in a complex yet critical spreadsheet. I reached out to Michael in despair to see if he could possibly figure out a digital solution for us. Within a short time, we had a draft model to use; the tweaks we identified were carried out so swiftly and efficiently by Michael that within the next month, we had a working model that our crew found easy to use, and my team, in particular, are so happy with the tech in terms of their time savings and the automation of mundane work. Michael has been so easy to work with on this project; he is so knowledgeable on complementary solutions that work together, e.g. Noloco, Fillout & Airtable and his turnaround times were incredible. His solution is now saving the team 20 to 30 person-hours EACH week. If anyone has an inefficient/repetitive work process that they need to automate, they should reach out to Michael for help - they won’t regret it!

Sonya C

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